Master Green Chemistry and Processes for renewable feedstocks (Green CAP)
Today, the chemical industry must adapt to the increasing scarcity of resources, new regulations, and social, ecological and political pressure. In this context, the use of renewable resources like feedstock or microbial biomass constitutes an interesting alternative to manufacture functional bioproducts and contribute to the energetic transtition, thus representing significant levers for innovation. By combining the disciplines of green chemistry, catalysis, bioprocesses and formulation, the Green CAP MSc aims to provide the student with the essential tools for developing clean and safe processes in the emerging fields of agribusiness.
Aims of the program
• To train engineers in the implementation of clean technologies in a context of sustainable development, providing solutions in the fields of green chemistry and bioprocesses.
• To control the transformation of renewable resources by catalytic or biotechnological means.
• To develop functional, safe and innovative bioproducts, following an eco-design approach.
2 years
Program content
The first semester (M1) is a semester for international master (SIM) shared with other international masters of Toulouse INP – INSA Toulouse, and dedicated to the scientific integration of students. It includes a bibliographic project.
The second semester (M1) includes thematic courses combining tutorials, seminars and a project. It is divided in 4 teaching units (TU) :
- TU1 – Sustainable Process
- TU2 – Tools for a green Chemistry
- TU3 – Polymer Sciences
- TU4 – Langage and Project
The third semester (M2) is divided into 6 TU:
- TU1 – Tools in green chemistry and processes
- TU2 – Bioprocess
- TU3 – Formulation
- TU4 – Conception of Bioproducts
- TU5 – Catalysis for alternative Energies
- TU6 – Project
The fourth semester (M2) is dedicated to the internship (Master thesis) of 5 to 6 months in a company, in a research & development center or in one of the laboratories linked to the master.
Research Institutions & Industrial Partners
The educational staff in charge of the master are research faculty members, working in internationally recognized laboratories in the fields of green chemistry, catalysis, green processes and bioprocesses:
• LCA (Laboratory of Agro-Industrial Chemistry), a joint research center INRA1010, supported by the transfer center CRITT-CATAR Agroresources
• LGC (Chemical Engineering Laboratory), a joint research center INPT-UT and INSIS, supported by the transfer center CRITT Génie des Procédés et de l’Environnement.
• LCC (Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry), a CNRS research unit.
The three laboratories have close relationships with the industry, as shown by the publication of numerous patents, awards received, and affiliation with institutions of excellence (Institut Carnot 3BCAR, Laboratory of Sustainable Energy).
Students can benefit from this partnership network in the framework of their project or the search of an internship.
Job opportunities
The GreenCAP Master is particularly suited to students wishing to specialize in the valorization of biomass for industrial applications using clean processes. Job placements and prospects are mainly in the fields of research and development, production, engineering, consultancy, and environmental assessment.
Employment sectors include energy production chains, ecotechnologies, agroindustry and the environment, cosmetics and health, bioproducts of specialties, and fine chemistry.
June 15th
Toulouse INP and INSA Toulouse are public schools of engineers and members of Campus France.
- Fees reduced to €5389/year for academic partners, European students, students from some developing countries, and selected students on a merit basis.
- Masters of Science are national degrees fully accredited by the French ministry of higher education.
- Further studies: PhD program (3 years).
- All MSc Degree holders are allowable to take a step forward in the academic track to get the PhD degree.
- Pre-requisite: Bachelor’s degree.
- Holders of a Master’s degree can directly enter the second year under conditions.
- Toulouse INP and INSA Toulouse welcome many international students each year and are more than happy to help them for practical and administrative formalities.
- Tool’Box pack will take care of you from A to Z : You can get the « essentiel » pack with all options (except for guided tour) or « cité internationale » pack.
Toulouse INP offers scholarships through a reduction of fees.
Students can apply to different other scholarship programs (governmental scholarships, European student mobility programs, French Eiffel and French embassies’ scholarship programs, training support programs from private foundations and companies).
- Photocopy of ID card or passport,
- CV in English (maximum 2 pages),
- cover letter in English,
- english level attestation (if your native language is not English): TOEIC (750) or TOEFL (80), IELTS (6.5),
- certified copies of academic diplomas,
- certified academic transcripts.
Bonus :
- Support letters: Please provide us with the contacts of 3 of your recent teachers (email and phone number).

How to candidate?